Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Google Open Source Blog: New File Systems Added to MacFUSE

MacFUSE, an Open Source mechanism that allows you to extend Mac OS X's native file system capabilities had a State of the Union talk recently and offered many dmos, including the following:
  • AncientFS - a file system that lets you mount ancient, and in some cases current-day Unix data containers as regular volumes on Mac OS X.

  • UnixFS - a general-purpose abstraction layer for implementing Unix-style file systems in user space.

  • ufs - a user-space implementation (read-only) of the UFS file system family.

  • sysvfs -a user-space implementation (read-only) of the System V file system family.

  • minixfs -a user-space implementation (read-only) of the Minix file system family.
If you are a Mac or MacFUSE user, it is time to checkout the video below and the code at the repository!

Google Open Source Blog: New File Systems Added to MacFUSE