Thursday, August 03, 2006

SUN is shining on Mediagrid

The grid institute announced that Sun Microsystems is joining the to advance the international standards for storing, delivering, and processing digital media in grid computing environments. A key component of the collaboration is the seamless connection of Sun Microsystems’ on-demand Sun Grid compute utility to the public Media Grid network, enabling Media Grid service requests and jobs to be handled by Sun Grid. In addition to increasing the quality of service and overall performance of the Media Grid network, “gatewaying” to Sun Grid will also have a direct and positive influence on related standards.
“We look forward to collaborating with Sun Microsystems and the Sun Grid team to develop a new generation of grid-based digital media infrastructure and application standards,” said Aaron E. Walsh, Director of the Grid Institute’s standards organization. “Connecting Media Grid and Sun Grid will have an immediate impact on open Grid Gateway standards by providing a significant real-world gateway implementation and corresponding technical specifications, upon which Media Grid application standards -- such as those for rendering, gaming, and virtual reality -- ultimately build,” continued Walsh.
Sun Grid researchers and technologists will contribute to the design and development of open Media Grid standards through the following technology working groups:
Grid Gateway Technology Group (GGTG)
Quality of Service Technology Group (QOSTG)
Media Storage Technology Group (MSTG)
Media Processing Technology Group (MPTG)
Media Delivery Technology Group (MDTG)
Rendering Technology Group (RTG)
Gaming Technology Group (GTG)
Virtual Reality Technology Group (VRTG)

Sun’s membership was officially announced during Boston’s Siggraph Summit on July 30th.

The Grid Institute leads the design and development of the global Media Grid through the open standards organization in collaboration with industry, academia, and governments from around the world.

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