Thursday, March 21, 2019

How Anonymous Shutdown Indian Phone Scammers!

Popular YouTube and anon supporter "Malcolm Merlyn" got fed up with scammer calls disrupting his anon life and everyday things, he took the matters to some virtual machines. These virtual machines were setup to call the Spammy call center number over and over.
The ensuring conversations were hilarious. The voice clips seem to come from 2013 action video game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. the more popular repeated phrase seem to be “I need nanomachines son!” or “I like you so I’m giving you another shot!” or “You’re nothing!” One of the recordings even said “Try to shut me up and you’ll fail like the others!"
Another small gem is the source of
After a while, the call center shutdown their number.
In the description of the video, the MM explains;
 “As most of you are aware, there are a lot of different scammers out there and these include Nigerian prince email scammers, Indian tech support scammers, IRS scammers and others. They have been around for over 10 years now and they don’t seem to be going anywhere. After getting a lot of calls, sometimes very early in the morning I have decided enough is enough. If the government won’t shut down these pests then I will.
“I created some virtual machines and started calling scammers using a fake caller ID. The calls were quite hilarious so I started uploading them on YouTube; this was great as I was raising awareness about scams while also earning money. In total I have called scammers over ten thousand times in the past year and a half. I created a number of programs to annoy them including a call flooder that can call the scammers many times per minute which overloads their phones,” 

Via Anonnews

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