Saturday, November 19, 2005

SuperComputing 2005 conclusion

I was going to write about the SC|05 and how it went for me. But then I happen to read one of my fellow blogger, Dan Ciruli's post at WestCostGrid, then realized that he had done it for me!
Too bad I did not meet him, over there at the SC|05, in fact I did not see much, I was doing too much work with servers and in the back rooms!
Take out the phrase like "my first trip" and "listened to Mr.Gates", He said most of what I wanted to say.
It was nice of him to write up about one of the institutions that I am affiliated! I let you guess what it is! I will write a specific article later on my technical experiences.

1 comment:

Dan Ciruli said...

I'm sorry I didn't run into you there! I haven't guessed your institution yet, but, given your location, it's not too hard to narrow it down a bunch!