Saturday, November 26, 2005

First OSS Physics Book that I have seen

THE PHYSICS TEXTBOOK by Christoph Schiller

I visited this site and I was greeted with;
How does one empty a bottle as rapidly as possible?
What are the highest force and power in nature?
How does one connect water pipes to a turning wheel?
What are the dangers of a can of beans?
What is the single page of unsolved problems in fundamental physics?

I was hooked, The site remained on a firefox tab, until I decided to download the book.

Christoph Schiller, at motion mountain has done it. I may have told before that my first love is Physics, but I was not the kind, Christoph is. I prefer to enlarge my knowledge while he tries to enlarge to knowledge of the world, who ever interested in physics. I think this is an achievement that I could never accomplish with all the grids, clusters, high performance computing or my physics knowledge with the present track that I am following.
Christoph has the whole book online and one could download the complete book or individual chapters that interest one. Either way anyone who is slightly interested in Physics, will bookmark this site once one visits.

The text is free - under two conditions: that (1) you do not charge money to others for anything containing any part of the text; and (2) you send a feedback email to fb @ motion mountain . net (without the spaces) with your comments on the sections you looked at. In return, I will answer every email with questions or suggestions. For an email with good questions or suggestions you will be mentioned in the acknowledgments or receive a reward - or both.

Some BIO on the author;
Christoph Schiller was born in 1960 and raised in Varese.He studied physics at the Universitt Stuttgart and received his Ph.D. in physics at the Universit© Libre de Bruxelles, in the department of Ilya Prigogine. He conceived and started this project in Yokohama, then wrote most of the text in Eindhoven.Other parts were added in Berlin, Mnchen, Paris and Varese.He regularly gives talks on themes from the text.

Happy reading.

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