Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Grid Service Broker view Released by Gridbus Project

The New version 2.4 of the Gridbus Broker, supports for Globus toolkit version 4 and integration within portal environments. Also noted is that support for the use of multiple brokers within the same VM has been improved. Future releases of the broker will continue this trend towards increased support for portal and other eScience application developers needs.

At a Glance;
* Support for Globus 4.0 job submission services using WS_GRAM
* Improved stability for all middleware
* Improved persistence in order to support a wider range of databases.
* Introduced in-process and dynamic database creation via HSQLDB.
* New event-based Round-Robin scheduler that provides a simple scheduling algorithm
* Various bug fixes

It contains the broker classes, source code, and documentation. Please note that it allows you to schedule your compute and data-intensive applications on resources running Globus, Unicore, Alchemi , Condor, SGE, and XGrid.

If you are interested, you can become a member of the Gridbus community and wants to extend or make use of it, please let the team know. The broker will undergo continuous enhancement and the team welcomes your participation and encourages you to become a co-author of future versions of the software.
For information about requirements and installation please refer to the Gridbus broker manual(PDF).

The Team, who's hardwork brings GRID Technology to Masses;

* Rajkumar Buyya (Chief Investigator)
* Srikumar Venugopal (Lead researcher and developer)
* Krishna Nadiminti (Developer) (
* Hussein Gibbins (Developer) (
* TianChi Ma (Developer) (
* Marcos Assun (Developer) (

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