Thursday, January 17, 2019

Have I Been Pwned? Most Probably Yes, See If You Are In This 773 Million Monster list.

Have I Been Pwned, a site run by Troy Hunt, verifies your online credentials, to see if you were involved in a breach. If you were simple guide lines are given to secure your accounts. Recently the site has just gotten its hands on its biggest data base of email addresses and passwords, ever. This list includes almost 773 million unique email addresses and 21 million unique passwords that were used to log in to third-party sites.
I will give a link to comprehensive article about this security breach but if you do not have time, the least thing one could do to secure their online accounts is to ensure that each one is protected by a long, randomly generated password that’s unique to each account. For most people, this means using a reputable password manager, or like me, a simple notebook. Once that is in place, use multi-factor authentication on every site that allows it. Hunt has more advice about passwords here. More info at ARS

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