Saturday, December 08, 2018

DHS Is Interested In Tracking Privacy Coins Like Monero and Zcash.

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is searching to acquire technology solutions that will help the department in tracking privacy cryptocurrencies, such as Zcash and Monero. DHS has already learned to track and analyze BitCoin, the most active and stable (?) cryptocurrencies.

DHS has issued a pre-solicitation document [PDF], the DHS is interested in if the current technologies are capable of tracking and analyzing or if those tools could be developpef, before filing an official solicitation request later down the line.
"Prior efforts have addressed Bitcoin analytics, A key feature underlying these newer blockchain platforms that is frequently emphasized is the capability for anonymity and privacy protection. While these features are desirable, there is similarly a compelling interest in tracing and understanding transactions and actions on the blockchain of an illegal nature. This proposal calls for solutions that enable law enforcement investigations to perform forensic analysis on blockchain transactions," the DHS  document mentions.
The DHS specifically mentioned the Zcash and Monero privacy coins in its pre-solicitation request. For the past few years, Monero has been the second-most popular cryptocurrency on the Dark Web, after Bitcoin.

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