Monday, December 17, 2018

Should You Be Using Facial Recognition To Protect Your Identity?

A group of researchers, who 3D printed a head and defeated the facial recognition system says no. Instead they are asking you to use a strong alphanumeric password, specially if you are a Android user.
3D Printed Head Being Prepared For Hacking The Recognition

If you're an Android customer, though, look away from your screen now. We tested four of the hottest handsets running Google's operating systems and Apple's iPhone to see how easy it'd be to break into them. We did it with a 3D-printed head. All of the Androids opened with the fake. Apple's phone, however, was impenetrable.
Anyone worried about anyone having their device compromised with a fake head, either through our method or others', should perhaps consider not using facial recognition at all. Instead, use a strong alphanumeric passcode, recommended Matt Lewis, research director at cybersecurity contractor NCC Group.

"Focus on the secret aspect, which is the PIN and the password," he added. "The reality with any biometrics is that they can be copied. Anyone with enough time, resource and objective will invest to try and spoof these biometrics."


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